This verb to be means "ser or estar" in Spanish. The verb to be are three; they are: "AM - IS - ARE" The verb to be can be used in singular and plural.

We have 8 (eight) personal pronouns. Five are singular and three are plural.

The singular are: " I - YOU - HE - SHE - IT "  

The plural are: " WE - YOU - THEY "

I            👉     AM         I use the personal pronouns "I" with the verb "am".

YOU    👉    ARE         I use the personal pronouns " YOU" with the verb "are".

HE       👉    IS            I use the personal pronouns "HE" with the verb "is".

SHE   👉     IS             I use the personal pronouns "SHE" with the verb "is".

IT     👉      IS              I use the personal pronouns "IT" with the verb "is".

WE   👉      ARE         I use the personal pronouns "WE" with the verb "are".

YOU    👉      ARE     I use the personal pronouns "YOU" with the verb "are".

THEY    👉    ARE     I use the personal pronouns "THEY" with the verb "are".


These articles are used only in singular with countable nouns.  With the personal pronouns "I-YOU-HE-SHE-IT"

  • I use the article "A" before a consonant letter. For example: A Pen.  A Book.  A Chair.
  • I use the article "AN" before a vowel letter. For example: AN Orange.  AN Apple.


I use descriptive adjectives, to describe a noun. That is to say, how is the noun, what colour is it? what size is it?, etc.

Example: good friends. In English the descriptive adjective doesn't modify in gender and number. Example: a good boy.   good boys. (singular to plural) 

Seleccione el verbo correcto:

 a doctor.
You  a journalist.
He  a student.
She  a teacher.
We  policemen.
You  actors.
They  waiters.

Colocar el verbo que corresponde

1.jpg I  a boy.
2.gifYou  happy.
3.gifHe  a man.
4.jpgShe  a girl.
5.gifIt  a cat.
6.gifWe  children.
7.gifYou  twins.
choir.pngThey  friends.

Completar con el verbo correspondiente:

  1.  a girl.
  2. My father  at work.
  3. Trixi and Susi  my cats.
  4. The hamster  in the cage.
  5.  a painter.
  6. My green pencil  on the floor.
  7. Emma and Betty  good friends.
  8.  you from Scotland?
  9. His sister  seven years old.
  10. We  children.

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