The organizational system called organizational chart. It represents the business structure. It allows you to discover the organizational failures and it helps third parties to know the situation.
RECTANGLE: It indicates the different hierarchical levels. It can be differentiated the importance of rank through the rectangle size. Colours should not be used so as not to highlight one area more than others.
LINES: They indicate the authority relationship. The lines can be horizontal or verticals. There is also continuous or discontinuous lines. Continuous lines indicate or represent the hierarchical relationship and the discontinuous lines indicate the communication links.
VERTICAL REPRESENTATION: the levels are represented from top to bottom according to their hierarchy and it decreases through the horizontal lines.
HORIZONTAL REPRESENTATION: The highest rank is normally listed at the left side. The lower level position branch out (to expand or diversify operations) through vertical lines.
CIRCULAR REPRESENTATION: in the centre is the highest level, and the following levels are marked by circles surrounding it.
It's the process by which groups of workers and activities from one or multiple functions are created.
Departmentalization by time: the activities are grouped according to time through shift.
Business departmentalization: the grouping of activities is done through functions.
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