We use these adjective to emphasize something, a person, things, animals, insects, etc.

  • Short adjectives:

To make superlative adjectives. I add the suffix "st/est" at the end of the adjective. Specially to short adjectives. One or two syllable adjectives.

I add "ST" when the adjective ends in "e". Example. wide . widest. large - largest.

I add "EST" when the adjectives doesn´t end in "e". Example: shor- shortest. long  longest.

if the adjective ends in a consonant preceded by a vowel, I double the last consonant, then I add the suffix "est". Example: big - biggest. thin  thinnest.

We also have irregular adjectives. These adjectives don´t follow the rules given.

The most common examples are:

adjective           superlative

GOOD                THE BEST

BAD                   THE WORST

  • Long adjectives; 

With long adjectives, I write the word "the most" before de adjective.

 Example:  My sister is the most beautiful. In this example "beautiful" is the adjective, and it doesn´t modify.

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